Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Small-fry Picks: Easy and Delicious

Most kids love to eat fruit. Here is a family fun way to decorate fruit together.

Do you know how long chocolate covered fruit can last in the freezer....

Chocolate Covered fruit can only be stored for about a week (More about this below.) 

Lets make our Chocolate Fruit sticks

Pick out fruit of your choice (I used kiwi and orange slices.) Peel and cut fruit in to 1/4 inch
thick pieces. Push a Popsicle stick into fruit, I used tongue depressors (it's easier for kids to
hold on to) Melt chocolate and dip the fruit into the chocolate and add sprinkles. Place the
chocolate covered fruit on a tray and freeze for a few hours. Kids will love these fresh or frozen. 

Chocolate Covering: 1 cup of dark chocolate and 1/4 cup of coconut oil. Melt in a double boiler and then let cool to room temperature or try this Recipe for creamy chocolate. Wrap the chocolate covered fruit individually after they are frozen and store away in the freezer until that sweet temptation hit you.

Before placing chocolate covered fruit in the freezer, you will need a well sealed container. Lay a paper towel down on the bottom of the container, sprinkle a little baking soda and then place the chocolate-covered fruit sticks on top paper-towel. Cover and refrigerate. 

Do your kids like to eat fruit with that chocolate or did your kids pick off the chocolate and throw away the fruit?  Ha ha, I'm so curious, because mine preferred the chocolate.

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