Monday, February 27, 2012

Crayons are Cool

The basic ingredients contained in Crayola Crayons are paraffin wax and color pigment.  Crayola manufactures almost 3 billion crayons each year. The hot wax is melted and mixed together with pre-measured amounts of color pigments, then poured into molding machines and in about four to seven minutes, the crayons cool and become one of kids favorite source of creativity.
Here are a few fun crafts you can try with your kids.
Try these heart crayons...
These crayon hearts are very simple to make.  Gather up all of your broken crayons, place them into a heart shaped pan and simply melt in a oven at your lowest temperature (for easy removal - wipe oil on the pan). Your kids will have hours of fun with these crayons.
Here's another great craft
Look how great this craft is.  Your kids will love having their own "Initial Crayon Frame". This craft is so easy to do. Use strong card stock paper. Pre-type and print off the chosen name, leaving off the first initial. Use a pencil to trace the first initial of the name. Once you have your initial traced, start adding the crayons around the traced initial. Use a glue-gun to stick the crayons to the paper.  I suggest that you organized your crayons prior to gluing. Use a sharp knife to cut the crayons to your desired shape. I think this would make a wonderful teacher's gift, don't you think?
One more crayon craft your kids will love
Super fun... this craft is a must.  It's bright and provides a great way to support your favorite crayon colours. Find a small box, provide your child with lots of bright paper, stickers and let the kids go crazy with the decorating. This is a great way to spend the day.  I think I'll do all of these crafts today, I hope you will too.
Here is some interesting information for you: the first box of crayons made its debut in 1903. The crayons were sold for a nickel and the colours were black, brown, red, purple, orange, yellow and green.

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